Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Treat everything you do as if there's no fucking way you can fail....

              So yesterday started off as another cluster-fuck of screaming and crying children at work except all the team members were at work so even though it was horrific at least we were all in the same sinking ship till 2:50 when we run from work like a fat kid running after a donut truck.
           CONFESSION TIME:   After work I knew I had to peel out of there if I was going to make it to turkey hill to get some ice tea---not diet mind you.  I slither in like a snake faster than a rabbit grab the ice tea half gallon and one for the road in drinkable form.  Then I pay and stick it under my shirt just in case anyone of my team members were going to see me committing a naughty act of ice tea consuming.  It was wrong but it taste so good…and I ate beet chips for lunch give a girl some fucking credit!  
           Yesterday was sort of bittersweet though because it was the last sign language class.  What the hell am I going to do with 2 extra hours in my schedule for the next 6 weeks?  The answer should probably be clean or complete things that I have been putting off.

              After sign class it was going to be crush it at the fucking gym time.  Solo again! I knew I would be solo when I left the house but for about 3 hours I thought that I would have a new member who was going to be a badass at the gym but the plans foiled.  Thank god sugarpie#4 was there to buffer the annoying mosquito and of course to talk to. : ) As I was getting in my car after sign class Gibbs said “crush it at the gym”!  I already was going to do something badass anyway -1500 calories in the workout.  Now if you remember I also did those 500 crunches yesterday and I was in a little bit of pain from them. Hey I was badass right?  NO EXCUSES!!!

 Oh I guess I should also mention that I wear so many shirts during the day.  I had on 3 shirts and two bras.  Why two bras…they are massive I will not lie and one just doesn’t contain them also what if I needed to jump I would have been out of the bra in one second. This happens when we go bowling ALL THE TIME!   Stop judging!

So there I was with some random old bucks and chicky all working towards the same goal of working out.  I turn on the killer leg machine and start the workout. I was sweating and shirts were coming off every 20 minutes till I got down to the last one of course.  I like to wear black because it feels like I’m at a funeral for my fat.  ß-I totally stole that from somewhere!   I already had it in my mind that I was going to hit 1500.  This did not happen I hit 1473….

Proud I send off the picture in a text to Gibbs.  He says nice but I should have done 1500 and that this was not acceptable!   What?!? Ok he was RIGHT! What was I thinking? 

So back on the machine for 27 more calories which took all but 5 minutes snap a picture and send it off with a text that says… acceptable…1500! Honestly he was not going to stop this hardcore highly motivated girl. 

Now one thing I have noticed in this weight loss journey is that my confidence and attitude about life has been improving.  I seem to have more friends and I feel good about myself not just on the inside but also I feel more complete as a person.  I am slowly breaking out of my shell and not using funny comments as a way to interact with people although I still do have the sarcastic comments….who am I kidding I am a constant joy to be around and with my bubbly personality really people should be blessed to have me as a friend…haha!  I am not that vain…am I?  I also noticed that people are starting to notice that I have been losing weight…good thing!  I think that thinking positive is the only way to really make it through this journey.  If you keep saying I can’t… I won’t…but saying I am badass and hardcore you begin to start to believe it and think you are.  It’s funny how the mind works but try it sometime! You will be surprised.

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