Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lose yourself...

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted. one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?


       That amazing quote of the day is from my favorite workout buddy Mr. Mathers.  Today was a day to prove to myself I have what it takes to do this again…my one opportunity, well let’s face it the way I am going I have one foot in the grave with every ice tea gallon I drink and ho ho I shove down my double chin. 

       I got out of bed ready to seize the day pulled the sheets of the bed, washed them and headed to the kitchen to make a “healthy” but delicious breakfast for the Goose and I.  I decided on an English muffin with an egg. So basically I made an “egg mc-crapin” but with a real egg.  (NOT powder eggs) BTW golden arches WTF charging 4.00+ for a powdered egg…you are insane but oh so tasty. 

            Then it was off to lunch time preparation. What oh what was I going to make?  I could go with the usual chez it angry birds snack packs, or Hershey kisses, maybe some cookies or pepperoni and cheese with crackers.  The one thing that stopped me was what if my work peeps read the post yesterday… I better play it safe just in case! I went with a salad Italian dressing and carrots.  Then I packed 2 water bottles and a water bottle filled with ice tea.  Ugh the power of that ice tea is overwhelming on me it would be like taking crack away from a crack whore.  I also packed some strange Spanish hazelnut thing. I was golden. 

        Something I noticed today was that I didn’t snack…maybe there is something to this eating breakfast deal they always talk about.  Later in the day I was talking with a lifetime member of WW, we shall call her Kath and let’s just say she claims she’s needs “time to sit down and read this” what the hell does that mean?  Anyway we shall see if she reads this now! Interestingly enough we were discussing the fact that you really need a routine and plan.  I am all about plans and lists---that’s my thang. I have been known to make lists and put stuff I already completed just so I can cross it off and feel more accomplished.  I CAN NOT be the only one who does this. She showed me the website and the app for the program it looked like something that might work since they have the new kitchen app so for 18.95 a month…I AM NOW A MEMBER!

            Fast forward to after work. I wanted to tell Gibbs that one of his friends was at work with me today and that he walked down the hallway like he owned the place but really I wanted to start up some texting so I could inform him that I got a salad—he I am sure had nothing better to listen to and I need his help to get motivated.  I did this with Pixie Sticks as well sort of…I am not the kind of person to come out and say I am a weak person please help me.  Like I said before I don’t get motivated by people saying “good job” or “you’re doing great”…I am more of a person that needs “that’s all you can do?”  My plan was in effect and now I knew that the people at work and that Gibbs and hopefully after reading this Pixie Sticks will pick up on this hint that I wanted help. 

I DID ride the spin bike tonight and omfg, my fucking boobs are larger than I remember.  Here I am tubby body half on the bike, you know because my fat ass weebling and wobbling around on the tiny seat of that bike.  I did manage to find a video on you tube…it was sucking and I was going to give up. The music sucked the person sucked and I was just going to give it a whirl tomorrow UNTIL a good song came on that Calvin Harris song …so I rode THEN I was getting in to it and then Mr. Mathers Lose Yourself came on well that must have been a sign because HELLO—Love him.  So I stayed riding finished the 35 painful minutes and felt pretty darn good about it. 

            So all in all I had a productive first day…Joined WW, rode the spin bike, washed the sheets and had a salad. 


Until next time…

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