Monday, February 20, 2012

Good friends are like don't always see them but you know they're ALWAYS there!

    First I want to vent a little tonight… about the value of friendship.  I have friends in my life now, 5 extremely close and mega supportive friends.  Most people are lucky to find one friend that they would do just about anything for but I am blessed to have found five.  I know I have been harping about this for days about how important it is to have friends in your life that support you, make you laugh, call your buff and inspire you but I never realized it till this year that these people make me a better me just knowing them.  I’m not going to point out what specific quality that I like about each of them…they know already! If every one of them was standing on a bridge ready to jump off… I would not jump with them I would be standing at the bottom waiting to catch them because that’s how important these people are to me. 

    Now on that lovely note I had all intentions of going to the gym tonight as a matter of fact I am dressed for the gym…feeling like shit but I’m not because sometimes you have to give up something you like to be there for someone else.  That’s what I am going to do be a supportive friend!

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